- General DetailsThe dual-phase cancer treatment system uses two stages to improve cancer care. In the Preparative phase, marker genes are added to normal cells to detect early signs of gene deterioration (e.g., BRCA1, BRCA2). In the Realized phase, these markers help precisely identify and target cancer cells, leading to more effective treatments.
- Patent Portfolio
- US11460406 – “Method for identifying and treating cancer”
- US20210003507 – “Method for Identifying and Treating Cancer”
- Data Room Access & Additional Details
Other Public Data Room Materials Available at VIP-3358 Public Data Room for Cancer Vaccine:
- Introductory Materials
- Patent
- Patent File History
- Non-Disclosure Agreement Draft to access more files listed below
Additional Materials (available upon signing a mutual non-disclosure agreement):
- Due Diligence Review
- Technical Workflow of IP
- More Information
Pricing guidance for this transaction may be available. All parties interested in the IP above are authorized to contact Peter Johnson at Vibrant IP, LLC at peter@vibrantip.com and 435-999-3600.