
A cutting-edge teeth whitening device leveraging heat and light for extraordinary results, up to 1900% whiter. Lab-tested and poised for FDA 510K approval, expect a new era in dental aesthetics. Illuminate your smile confidently with this transformative technology.

  1. General Details

    Unlike conventional gel-based methods, this whitening technology achieves a remarkable 1900% increase in teeth whiteness. Rigorous lab testing has validated this transformative solution. It is ready for manufacturing and sale, and it is also awaiting FDA 510K approval, ensuring adherence to the highest regulatory standards.

    Notably, this device features a proprietary mouthpiece and wireless functionality, making it a convenient, shareable solution for the whole family. The availability of whitening chemical refill tubes presents a recurring revenue opportunity. Your journey to a whiter smile is not just transformative but also sustainable.

    Engineered with a combination of heat and light technology, this solution surpasses traditional gel-based methods. It achieves notable results with up to a 1900% improvement in whiteness. Rigorous laboratory testing has validated this innovation, holding promise for transforming teeth whitening practices.

    In summary, this device represents a significant advancement in dental aesthetics. It offers an approach to teeth whitening, backed by technology and a dedicated team. The combination of innovative features and a commitment to quality makes this device a game-changer in the industry.

    If you are interested in Lightstar, please visit this link.

  2. Patent Portfolio

    The IP and assets available for sale include:

    • US Patent and Application No(s). 18/108,323
    • The domain name and website at
    • The LIGHTSTAR trademark and logos
  3. Pricing, Data Room Access & Additional Details

    Other Publicly Data Room Materials Available at VIP-3239 Public Data Room for Lightstar IP:

    • Other Introductory Materials
    • Lightstar Pitch Deck
    • Resume of Marc Pickren

    Additional Materials (available upon signing a mutual non-disclosure agreement):

    • Due Diligence Review
    • Patent and Patent Applications
    • Patent File Histories
    • Patent Assignment and Ownership
    • Lab Studies and Official Whitepaper
    • Images, Videos, and Logos
    • Product Timeline and Updates
    • Production of Cost Forecast
    • Customer Polls
    • Other Materials
  4. More Information

    Pricing guidance for this transaction may be available. All parties interested in the IP above are authorized to contact Spencer Rogers at Vibrant IP, LLC at and 415-997-9772.